Monday, December 12, 2016

Final Project

This video is a video a took last year during the 4th of July and it made me think about the little things in life that we miss and take for granted. I slowed down the video and made changed the colors so it would looked blue. I also added cinematic music to give it some life. Overall I enjoyed making the video and playing around with it and just simply watching the small details of the fireworks because that is what truly makes them beautiful.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Latin World, Dubstep, ELECTRONIC – PRODUCER/DJ CULTURE, ELECTRO – CLASH, and TECHNO where the five movements that I liked the most. My favorite movement is the ELECTRONIC – PRODUCER/DJ CULTURE, ELECTRO – CLASH and one of my favorite Artis is Martin Garrix. 
Martin Garrix is one of my favorite artist because his music simply makes you feel some type of emotion. For the most part his music is uplifting and high energy. I think his work fits with technology and electronic music because he makes his own beats and some of his songs are simply just beats and sounds but bring out so much emotion from a person. 
If you ever gone to any of his concerts he uses a lot of lasers and other technology to bring his performance to life. Another way he uses technology is simply by making the music all he really uses is a mixing board and sounds and beats. Some of the videos I share show how insane and how immerser people become in his music and why he is one of the best artist now. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016


            The telephone it’s by far the most important piece of technology we have by far in today’s age. It’s our best friend, our entertainment, and even our pet in some cases. It is no secret that everyone and their grandma owns a telephone ranging from the new Iphone7 to the outdated home phone that still has a cord and your mom can spy on your conversations on the other line if she is quit enough.
            I think the telephone was influence most the telegraph because that was the first time we really messages going around the world by just a simple click. The telegraph was texting in a way without the audio. While the audio was not quite there yet it only took them a couple of decades to develop that. It soon transform from a telegraph that could only send a couple dots to a bulky 5-pound monster that had audio capabilities and was somewhat portable. That 5-pound monster soon turn into a tiny pager and that pager soon turn into what we have today a mobile phone that is smart than some of our computers.
            While we still are trying to revolutionize the phone I think soon enough we will not even have to carry a physical device. I think the next move is to implant the technology into our bodies and make it part of us. Therefore you would just tug on your ear to answer a call and the voice will simply just appear in your ear. Also if you wanted to send a txt a part of your forearm will just light up with a keyboard and you would be able to see what your typing on your eyeball. Of course we have no idea what the future is holding for our smartphones but I can say that we are only excited to see what is next.